What is cancer?
Cancer is not contagious disease caused by the growth of tissue cells are abnormal and uncontrolled. Malignancy of cancer cells, grow rapidly and can spread to other places and cause death if not immediately prevented.
Does cervical cancer?
• Cervical cancer is a malignancy that occurs in the cervix (cervical) which is the lowest part of the uterus protruding into the top hole intercourse (vagina).
• Cervical cancer is the number one cancer cancer incidence in Indonesia.
What are the symptoms?
In the pre-cancerous stage / early often do not cause symptoms. If there are symptoms that arise, usually out discharge is not typical.
In the next stage can be found symptoms:
• Bleeding after intercourse.
• Keputihan / smelling watery fluid.
• Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
• Bleeding after the menopause.
• Pain pelvic area.
What causes cervical cancer?
As with most cancers, cervical cancer is not known with certainty. But in 95% cases of HPV (Human Pappiloma Virus) positive.
What is the risk factor of cervical cancer?
Risk factor for cervical cancer:
• Marriage or sexual intercourse at a young age (<17 years).
• Frequently changing sexual partners.
• Dealing with a man who sexually frequently changing partners.
• History of recurrent infections in the genital or pelvic inflammation.
• Women often give birth.
• Women smokers have a risk two times greater than non-smokers. How do I prevent it?
• Not married or had sexual intercourse at a young age (<17 years).
• Not changing sexual partners.
• No sexual intercourse with a man who often alternated pairs.
• Not often give birth.
• No smoking.
Early detection
To make early detection of cervical cancer, including by inspecting Papsmear. These checks cheap, fast and can be done at the nearest health services such as: health center, home birth, hospital, midwife, clinic, practice doctor, and others. Examination was carried out at any time except the menstruating or as directed by your doctor, should be 1 times a year by every woman who has had sex.
What follow-up of positive tests?
• If papsmear positive tests, which are cells that are not normal, you should consult the nearest health officer for examination and further treatment by a gynecologist.
• Conduct regular checks papsmear to find cervical cancer at an early stage because cervical cancer does not show typical symptoms.
• With found quickly and treated appropriately cervical cancer can be cured.
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